Folsom Lake Montessori

A new bud into the world, baby steps to an amazing learning experience. A home far away from home…

Expecting soon? And are you already worried about the little one’s future? Say hello to maternal instincts! Women are built like that; that’s why all the women are a light sleeper. It was supposed to be a gift from God so women could hear the little one’s cries as they made it and be there for them. Although with changing times, fathers’ have started to offer their help for waking up late at night and taking care of the baby, a mother’s warmth can’t be met with anything in the world. With so much in every woman’s plate, I think some things can be made easier.

Folsom Lake Montessori’s Infant Care Program is the perfect solution for all the worries you are having. Every child is different in their unique manner, saying that we know every child needs a special kind of attention, and their different development pattern should be followed.

The infant, the toddler, gets all he/she needs in the absence of his/her mother. It’s like having his/her mother, right there. No women are born as a trained mother. As they grow, and they see; they learn and adapt accordingly. The specialised trained caretakers at Folsom Lake Montessori have already gone through these phases a pretty number of times, and that’s how they know how and what would your baby need.

The Infant Care Program takes note for every infant or toddler and matches to their level, their needs and plans their curriculum/day schedule accordingly. They have various activities including Rhymes or Songs, Language Development, Exercise and Stimulation, Play Time and Fun Activities. All these activities are evenly distributed over a timespan, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Every specially trained caretaker caters to the needs of the infants. Hygiene is their topmost priority.

In addition to all this learning, our infant programs are filled with age-appropriate art experiences, music and movement as well as time for reading. Your infant/toddler is going to have his/her best time by learning how to bond with other infants because of their curious nature — the teacher help promoting feelings of security and trust in infants and toddlers, making them independent and ready for the challenges in future from day one.

The teachers monitor closely to the infant’s needs for feeding as well as diaper changes. Every infant is given special attention and looked after accordingly. There are nap times for the infants, so when the parents come to take their kids home; they are energetic and fresh to go onto tell and weave their stories for their parents.

Taking the load off of working mothers is the best thing to offer, and help them get back to their careers so that they can work towards a better future for their baby. Folsom Lake Montessori is known for the best services for the kids to grow and nurture in a great environment amongst the best people. With customised programs for each infant, they ensure they cater to your child’s need as you would have done for him/her. Of course they can’t meet a mother’s love and care, but what they offer to the infants and toddlers isn’t less than a mother’s true love.

Published on: 20 May 2019