Folsom Lake Montessori


Folsom Lake Montessori Academy located in Folsom, California, is an enhanced and comprehensive preschool/kindergarten/day-care exclusively for kid’s ages two months to six years. The academy works with the motto stating, “We strive to achieve excellence through education by exceeding all other traditional standards and following the principles of respect, love and hard work.” Folsom Lake Montessori Academy, as a child daycare center offers an exceptional education based childcare program, in sync with the infant daycare program, which includes both academics and fun activities. At Folsom Lake Montessori Academy, processes and structures have been set such that it reflects the efforts that are put in by the staff, to ensure top-rated caregiving services.


Mentioned below is all you need to know about their Infant Day-care Program:

>>8 Weeks – 24 Months Old: Their Infant Day Care Program is especially known for the individual attention and care given to a child. They make sure that the child feels safe, loved and comfortable in environment while also ensuring their proper development is taking place. The parents need not worry for FLMA provides well-trained teachers and beautiful environment for the child. The teachers are very diligent and loving, always around when a child needs them. The program ensures that the child is comprehending things and enjoying them.

>>Curriculum: There is not a definite curriculum. The daily schedule is organised for infants individually, depending upon where the child is in their developmental phase. The specialised teachers meet the goals of each infant by creating a strong relationship and addressing each child’s needs as they are presented.

One thing consistent in the curriculum is the teacher-toddler interaction. The infant room encourages the teacher to create activities, which engages the child, and help them learn something new each day. One of the best things about FLMA is their teachers; their friendly, caring and loving attitude towards the children makes it a perfect place.

>>Goals of Infant program:

* Maintaining an open, friendly, and cooperative relationship with each child and his/her family.

* Promoting feelings of security and trust in infants and toddlers, so they feel safe and comfortable in the environment.

* Playing, talking, singing, and reading to infants frequently to ensure they keep engrossed in some activities and develop a learning process.

* Responding consistently to infants’ needs for food and comfort and make sure they are well fed.

* Respect cultural diversity and try to develop among the children a sense of harmony.


*Song / Rhyme (words to songs or rhymes): The cat & owl, look at the doggies in the window, little bunny fu, Fu, One fish, two fish, three fish, Three birds, etc.

*Language Development: Pat the cat, The doggie barks, The bunny hops, Fish swim, This is the way the birdie flies etc.

*Play Time: Indoor or outdoor (depending upon the outdoor temperatures)

*Indoor Play – The cat is up and down, Doggie to the left and right, Bunny hopping, Goldfish, Birds say tweet, Tweet, etc.

*Outdoor Play – Baby swings and slider under the shade structure, Biking and age-appropriate toys, Summertime water play.

Folsom Lake Montessori Academy is one of the best; they have affable teachers and focuses on the individual needs of the child rather than a collective group. They design the curriculum depending upon the needs of every child. Overall, it is a perfect place for the initial development of a child.

Published on: 20 August 2019