Folsom Lake Montessori

Practical Life Lessons Given by Montessori Schools to Students

Montessori schools believe that education is not just about academics, but it’s a lot more. They aim to foster not just the intelligence but prepare children to face each aspect in life with lots of confidence. Practical life lessons in Montessori schools start at an initial phase; you can see these activities purposely intertwined into both primary and toddler schoolrooms. These activities are intended to give kids effective practice so they can learn to be independent in everyday life.

The Montessori System of educating kids was started through a detailed understanding of the development of kids. The inventor of the Montessori system, Maria Montessori, planned this study method around below learning paths.

  • Sensorial development
  • Progressing language knowledge
  • Practical life lessons
  • Initial training of the Mathematical Mind

Practical life training

The vital part of the Montessori studies is to grow a kid as an independent and confident individual. Kids from 2 to 6 years, experience numerous developments. During this phase, kids should be given some special tasks and responsibilities that can inspire them. They want independence, focus, a sense of order and synchronization with their movements. Montessori teaching systems fulfill these requirements by applying practical life instructions or activities.

In a Montessori education setting, the practical life lesson is the most important part. These life lessons transfer from primary classes to home, allowing kids to be more prepared for the actual world. Students learn about following aspects in their practical life lessons.

Personal attention

  • Combing and braiding hair
  • They learn to tie shoes
  • How to dress

Daily life activities

  • Learn using tongs and droppers
  • Using cloth clips
  • Sponge squeezing
  • Opening bags, bottles, jars, and boxes
  • Pouring water and grain from one vessel to another

Hygiene and personal care

  • Washing hands
  • Brushing teeth
  • Cleaning fingernails

Helping at home

  • Hanging coats
  • Wiping tables
  • Polishing shoes and mirrors
  • Dusting and cleaning
  • Sweeping
  • Folding clothes
  • Washing dishes

As parents, you must show and assign new tasks to the kid and later watch without modifying them. In case your little one is performing a task in a wrong way, you must give him the practical lesson by re-demonstrating the task properly for them. Both teachers and parents must offer their kids enough time and space to do the task themselves before amending them.

Folsom Lake Montessori is one of the most reputed schools for Infant Daycare program in CA. Known as the best day care and school for kids, FLMA follows the Montessori ideas and offers active programs for kids. Students learn through practical life exercises such as sorting, pouring, and washing dishes. Folsom Lake Montessori provides summer camps for kindergarten students. FLMA offers many educational programs for children that include daycare, preschool, kindergarten program and others.

Published on: 4 February 2019