Folsom Lake Montessori

Vital Elements of Positive Discipline for Children

Discipline does not mean to punish the child, it means to teach a kid the importance of good values and morals. With discipline, a child learns to be honest as they consider it is good to be genuine not because they think that they will be punished if they are caught on something wrong.

Often parents use punishment to prevent their kids from doing wrong things and it involves a painful or unkind technique to stop him.

Punishment gives the following results.

• Encourage a child to cheat parents
• Disrupt the self-esteem
• Teaches the kid that violence is the best solution for any problem
• Not effective with teenagers

Whereas positive discipline gives outcomes:

• Allows the kid to learn self-discipline
• Build kids’ confidence and self-worth
• Good and effective for teenagers too
• Children understand that it’s a great way to solve problems

Parents need to focus on a few major areas to discipline their child, providing them the needed attention, setting limits and giving sufficient time for training. Parents should adjust their attitude when it comes to positive discipline for a child:

Attention is vital

We all know that children love to be pampered and seek attention every time from their parents. Life is busy and hectic for everyone and getting extra time is very difficult. but it’s also important to invest the required time for a better relationship with children and help them improve actions. When you provide children with a positive and proactive attention, they will become more obliging and will not try to find out the attention in undesirable or negative ways.

Training time and support

You need to take some time out every day for training your children. Discipline is all about teaching and learning. The most effective way of positive discipline for a kid is to aid him to make better choices. Parents should encourage and cheer up their child when they make correct choices. Appreciate their good work and instill the habit of saying thank you and sorry in your child.

Set restrictions

Children grow when they have a set limitation and understand their restrictions. You don’t have to make hundreds of directions and rules, just focus on essential factors for your family. Parents must be clear about the basic regulations and what is the consequence when anyone ignores the rule. Ensure that all the members of your family are aware of the consequences in advance.

Make sure, your rules are such that do not burden your child. Parents should make just one demand at a time. Children fail to recall or become disordered when provided too many orders. Give some time to a child to clean his hands before you direct him to organize the table. Once the table is set, then instruct him to focus on the food and finish it.

Published on: 1 June 2018