Folsom Lake Montessori

Want to give a perfect start to your child?

Over the years, we have realised that the care of a child starts right from his or her infant days. There are various early childcare programs in Folsom CA, but Folsom Lake Montessori Academy (FLMA) is one of the best known for quality childcare provider when one inquires for kindergarten programs. They aim to promote feelings of security and trust in infants and toddlers and make the infants respect cultural diversity. They not only maintain open and friendly relations with the infant but also with the family.

8 to 24 months Infant Care Program is well known for its individualised care and attention. The primary goal of the private kindergarten program is to make sure your child is safe, happy, discovering and learning all about the environment. For the parents, we assure that your child is taken care of in the most responsible and beautiful learning environment and faculty that they could trust. Our teachers are always around the kids, help to provide a warm, nurturing and safe environment, which caters to every individual in the classroom. It provides no different environment than at home. Various programs are running in the kindergarten so that special care could be given to every separate age group, which will cause gradual development in a child’s behaviour and intellect. Special care is being taken in making a schedule for infants, which depends on whether they are in a development phase. The specialised group of teachers works hard to meet the goals of each infant by creating a strong relationship and addressing each child’s needs as they are presented. Along with all this learning, the early childcare program in the private kindergarten is filled with age-appropriate art experiences, music and movement as well as time for reading.

Our programs vary for different age groups are as followed:

1. 1 to 12 months old

  • Song/rhyme activities: The cat & owl, look at the doggies in the window, little bunny fu, Fu, One fish, two fish, three fish, Three birds, etc.
  • Gradual language development: With the help of various poems like Pat the cat, the doggie barks, the bunny hops, Fish swim, etc., the activity is carried out
  • Stimulation and exercise activities: Tummy time boost, Roll over, Push those feet, gentle stretch, Jingle feet, etc.
  • Play Time: Indoor or outdoor (depending upon the outdoor temperatures)
  1. Indoor Play – The cat is up and down, Doggie to the left and right, Bunny-hopping, Goldfish, Birds say tweet, tweets, etc.
  2. Outdoor Play – Baby swings and slide under the shade structure, Biking and age-appropriate toys, and Summertime water play.
  • Fun activities: Copy me, Shake the Rattle, I love to dance, See me in the mirror, etc.

2. 1 to 2 years: They are exposed to plenty of fun activities such as free play, table toys, puzzles, colouring, playing dough, circle times, interactive songs, art and craft time, story time, outdoor play, snack time, nap time, outside/inside play, learning, etc which later help on to develop a very basic of creative and practical learning for young kids.

Such an effective curriculum makes it different from the other childcare programs running around. So if you are looking for an early childcare program in Folsom CA, you already know where to visit!

Published on: 2 July 2019