Folsom Lake Montessori


Get a Safe and Quality Infant Daycare Service at Folsom Lake Montessori Academy

Get a Safe and Quality Infant Daycare Service at Folsom Lake Montessori Academy

Folsom Lake Montessori Academy is a childcare provider based in Folsom, Montessori and provides Toddler, Preschool, Kindergarten, and Infant daycare program. These daycare programs are designed according to the Montessori principles of developing holistic individuals by giving education to children from a very young age in different ways. In providing daycare service and education to children from infancy to the time, they’re in kindergarten. All our programs include subjects such as Math, Science, English, Geography, Practical life experience, and Sensory development. In addition to that, we also offer enrichment programs to children of the age 2 or above.

In our daycare programs, we focus on the overall development of a child, and that is why we incorporate activities such as Gymnastics, Karate, Athletes, Music Mic, and Foreign language in our programs. All these activities are supervised and handled by professionals in their respective fields. In addition to all the daycare programs, we also offer a summer school program for children from the age of 6 to 12 years.

At FLMA, we make sure that your child gets the best care and attention, and that is why our infant daycare program is particularly famous amongst new parents. In our infant child care program, we take care of children from the age of 8 weeks to 24 weeks (2 years). This program helps new mother and fathers continue their regular working lives peacefully as they are satisfied that their child is getting exceptional care and attention at Folsom Lake Montessori Academy.

In our infant child care program, we give individualised care and attention to children from the age of 8 weeks to 2 years. Our primary goal in this program is to make sure that your child is happy, safe, and is discovering new things. This is the age in which a child learns new things and starts getting curious about everyday things. We make sure that your child’s curiosity is not curbed and enough care and attention are given to the child in the course of the daycare program. Infancy is a phase where a child needs attention all the time, and that is why we make sure that your child is never left alone and they always have teachers around to provide them with a safe, warm, and nurturing environment.

In our infant child care program, our primary goals are-

  • Maintain a friendly and cooperative relationship with the child and parents
  • Help infants understand things by singing, dancing, talking, and reading to them
  • Give proper and individualised care and attention to every child
  • Responding to kids calls in a soft and tender manner
  • Attending to every child’s hygiene needs such as diaper changing, feeding, cleaning, changing wet or soiled clothes
  • Taking care of the diet of every child. We understand that every child has a different diet and give proper attention to it
  • We respect cultural diversity

At Folsom Lake Montessori Academy, we understand that every child has different needs and are in different phases of their lives. We structure a special curriculum in our infant daycare program for every child according to their needs.

Published on: 29 July 2019

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    Folsom Lake Montessori Academy located in Folsom, California, is an enhanced and comprehensive preschool/kindergarten/day-care exclusively for kid’s ages two months to six years. The academy works with the motto stating, “We strive to achieve excellence through education by exceeding all other traditional standards and following the principles of respect, love and hard work.” Folsom Lake Montessori Academy, as a child daycare center offers an exceptional education based childcare program, in sync with the infant daycare program, which includes both academics and fun activities. At Folsom Lake Montessori Academy, processes and structures have been set such that it reflects the efforts that are put in by the staff, to ensure top-rated caregiving services.


    Mentioned below is all you need to know about their Infant Day-care Program:

    >>8 Weeks – 24 Months Old: Their Infant Day Care Program is especially known for the individual attention and care given to a child. They make sure that the child feels safe, loved and comfortable in environment while also ensuring their proper development is taking place. The parents need not worry for FLMA provides well-trained teachers and beautiful environment for the child. The teachers are very diligent and loving, always around when a child needs them. The program ensures that the child is comprehending things and enjoying them.

    >>Curriculum: There is not a definite curriculum. The daily schedule is organised for infants individually, depending upon where the child is in their developmental phase. The specialised teachers meet the goals of each infant by creating a strong relationship and addressing each child’s needs as they are presented.

    One thing consistent in the curriculum is the teacher-toddler interaction. The infant room encourages the teacher to create activities, which engages the child, and help them learn something new each day. One of the best things about FLMA is their teachers; their friendly, caring and loving attitude towards the children makes it a perfect place.

    >>Goals of Infant program:

    * Maintaining an open, friendly, and cooperative relationship with each child and his/her family.

    * Promoting feelings of security and trust in infants and toddlers, so they feel safe and comfortable in the environment.

    * Playing, talking, singing, and reading to infants frequently to ensure they keep engrossed in some activities and develop a learning process.

    * Responding consistently to infants’ needs for food and comfort and make sure they are well fed.

    * Respect cultural diversity and try to develop among the children a sense of harmony.


    *Song / Rhyme (words to songs or rhymes): The cat & owl, look at the doggies in the window, little bunny fu, Fu, One fish, two fish, three fish, Three birds, etc.

    *Language Development: Pat the cat, The doggie barks, The bunny hops, Fish swim, This is the way the birdie flies etc.

    *Play Time: Indoor or outdoor (depending upon the outdoor temperatures)

    *Indoor Play – The cat is up and down, Doggie to the left and right, Bunny hopping, Goldfish, Birds say tweet, Tweet, etc.

    *Outdoor Play – Baby swings and slider under the shade structure, Biking and age-appropriate toys, Summertime water play.

    Folsom Lake Montessori Academy is one of the best; they have affable teachers and focuses on the individual needs of the child rather than a collective group. They design the curriculum depending upon the needs of every child. Overall, it is a perfect place for the initial development of a child.

    Published on: 20 August 2019

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      Folsom Lake Montessori Academy located in Folsom, California,  is a preschool/daycare for children between the ages of 2 months to 6 years. They aim to ensure mental and physical development of a child in a safe and comfortable environment. Their early childcare programs focus on a child individually, understanding the fact that children have their own development ability. Their objective is to develop confident and independent individuals who find joy in learning and develop good learning capability.

      They have different programs for different age group:

      >>Infant Day Care Program (8 weeks to 24 months old)

      Their Infant Day Care Program is known for the individual attention and care given to a child. They make sure that the child feels safe, loved, and comfortable in the environment and enjoys the learning process. The parents need not worry for their child; FLMA provides well-trained teachers and beautiful environment. The teachers are very diligent and loving, always around when a child needs them. The program ensures that the child is comprehending things and enjoying them.


      * Maintaining an open, friendly, and cooperative relationship with each child and his/her family.

      * Promoting feelings of security and trust in infants and toddlers, so they feel safe and comfortable in the environment.

      * Playing, talking, singing, and reading to infants frequently to ensure they keep engrossed in some activities and develop a learning process.

      * Responding consistently to infants’ needs for food and comfort and make sure they are well fed.

      * Implementing individualised feeding plans for children; respects individual preferences and eating styles; sits with infants and shares family-style meal; models manners and good nutrition.


      * Song / Rhyme

      * Language Development.

      * Exercise and Stimulation

      * Indoor Play

      * Outdoor Play

      * Fun Activities

      >>Toddler Program (2 to 3 years old)

      Dr Maria Montessori was one of the first educators who recognised that the first few years of a child’s life are critical to the development of personality and intellect. The curiosity levels of a toddler are very high. As a result, a toddler is always seeking out information; they learn quickly and easily and are especially interested in demonstrating independence. The program allows them the freedom to learn as much as they can, as quickly as possible. It ensures that the child learns to care for himself/himself and makes sure that necessary learning has happened before going to the next level.

      The teachers give a child individual attention to ensure they have developed the following skills:

      * Sensory and Perception

      * Self-help

      * Language

      * Physical and motor skills

      * Social and Emotional Growth

      >> Private Kindergarten Program (4 to 5 years old)

      Here the focus is on the proper overall development of the child. The school has a private pre-K/Kindergarten program to ensure the child is, in fact, ready for Kindergarten. The teachers make sure that a child is understanding and comprehending things, guaranteeing rapid development.

      >>Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Program

      Transitional Kindergarten Curriculum:


      * In a prepared and comfortable environment the children work in five different Montessori areas including, practical life, sensorial, language, math and cultural.

      * The sensorial area allows the students to be aware of the environment and refines the child senses. The pre- K students practice classification of sizes, shapes, compositions, texture, volume, temperature, weight and taste.

      * As the pre-k children are in a sensitive period of language, the FLMA program closely pay attention to their conversations and encourage them to express their needs, feelings, and thoughts.

      * In the academic area of language arts, the students master A-Z sounds and make words by putting them together. As the school starts with moveable alphabets, children break them down and spell it out.

      The program helps a child to gain an understanding of academics, and it opens them up to disciplines of education like maths, English, biology, geography etc. They help them in forming a strong base.

      Kindergarten Curriculum

      The children make layers of knowledge based on what they have gained from Montessori preschool. This where the students develop skills by teaching the younger ones. This program is very interesting for it allows the children to take up the role of teachers and present themselves as role models for younger children. They practice practically which ensures explicit understanding. The math lesson continues as before for them. As the kindergarteners are still in a sensitive period of language, the language lessons are more extensive.


      One of the best things about the programs is that they focus on the individual and not the group. The teachers ensure that the child has developed the necessary skills and spends enough time to make sure they do not have any problem.

      Published on: 18 September 2019

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        MONTESSORI SACRAMENTO PRESCHOOL located in Folsom, California, offers toddler, infant, preschool, kindergarten and summer school programs. They have different programs for different age groups, and each program is adept with all the necessary care and learning a child needs. They include subjects from mathematics, science to a child realising the importance of taking care of them. Their programs are based on principles of Montessori overall development of an individual.


        >>Montessori Principles of Individual Development:

        The school works on the principle of Montessori overall development, which focuses on the individual rather than a collective group. Each child has its requirements, and the program makes sure that all those requirements are fulfilled. The teachers are well trained and ensure that the child understands things well and that he/she feels safe and comfortable.

        >>Aim: Their main is not just teaching a child something and then move ahead, the teachers make sure that the child has comprehended the topic well. They aim to develop individuals who enjoy learning, are confident and are empathetic.

        >>Technology: The school uses Montessori Compass for classroom management, parent communication and school management. The parents can easily track the performances of their children on the devices.

        >>Events: The school provide many special events for kids like field trips to different places in Folsom, El Dorado, Folsom Lake, and nearby locations in the Sacramento, CA area, for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. throughout the year. Not only it engages the students but also make sure that they understand things.

        >>Programs: For each age group there is a different program-

        Infant Day Care Program (8 weeks to 24 months old)

        Their Infant Day Care Program is known for the individual attention and care given to a child. They make sure that the child feels safe, loved, and comfortable in the environment and enjoys the learning process. The parents need not worry about their child at all.

        >>Toddler Program (2 to 3 years old)

        Dr Maria Montessori was one of the first educators who recognised that the first few years of a child’s life are critical to the development of personality and intellect. Toddlers are inquisitive, and they can’t be blamed for their curious nature, it is their age, and zeal to learn new things. The program allows them the freedom to learn as much as they can, as quickly as possible.  The teachers give a child individual attention to ensure they have developed the following skills:

        *Sensory and Perception



        *Physical and motor skills

        *Social and Emotional Growth

        >> Private Kindergarten Program (4 to 5 years old)

        Here the focus is on the proper overall development of the child. The school has a private pre-K/Kindergarten program to ensure the child is, in fact, ready for Kindergarten. The teachers make sure that a child is understanding and comprehending things, guaranteeing rapid development.

        >>Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Program


        *In a prepared and comfortable environment the children work in five different Montessori areas including, practical life, sensorial, language, math and cultural.

        *The sensorial area allows the students to be aware of the environment and refines the child senses. The pre- K students practice classification of sizes, shapes, compositions, texture, volume, temperature, weight and taste.

        *As the pre-k children are in a sensitive period of language, the FLMA program closely pay attention to their conversations and encourage them to express their needs, feelings, and thoughts.

        *In the academic area of language arts, the students master A-Z sounds and make words by putting them together. As the school starts with moveable alphabets, children break them down and spell it out.

        >>Summer Camp:

        The school also organises summer camp for students. Which includes recreational activities for children.


        Group games

        Board games



        Free play

        Published on: 25 September 2019

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          Offerings by Montessori Sacramento Preschool for Infant Daycare

          Offerings by Montessori Sacramento Preschool for Infant Daycare

          Montessori Sacramento preschool offers child services from a toddler or infant to playschools and summer schools as well. Located in Folsom, California; Montessori Sacramento Preschool offers multiple programs depending upon the necessary care and learning that children of certain age groups require. An overall development of an individual is the doctrine the preschool operates on. The curriculum includes all of the subjects including maths and science realising the need for these subjects in their day to day life.

          As said above, Montessori Sacramento Preschool works on the principle of overall development of an individual, and the preschool understands that every child might have a different need and the preschool takes care of all the needs and wants individually. This generates a sense of comfort and security among the mind of the kids. The faculty ensures that each topic being taught is thoroughly understood by the children. Creating a sense of happiness and joy in learning is how the school operates. Montessori Sacramento Preschool has been using the Montessori Compass to ensure classroom, parent and school management. This helps the parents to keep a steady and regular check on their children as well. The preschool regularly hosts external events such as sightseeing and Field trips every once in a while. The preschool makes sure to have at least four field trips every year.

          Montessori Sacramento preschool provides programs for different age groups such as infants, toddlers, and so on. The programs provided by the preschool are mentioned below:

          • Infant daycare program (8 weeks to 24 months): This age group demands individual care and attention and the faculty is specialized in provide such attention. The efficient faculty helps generate a feeling of secureness and comfort within the mind of the infant which in turn helps the faculty in doing the tasks and works required with ease.
          • Toddler Program (2 to 3 years): As recognized by Dr Maria Montessori, there are few years in the life of a child that are important for a child’s overall growth and personality development. The toddler years are an important stage in one’s life where a child gets a spark on what and how he wants to walk forward in his life. The specialised curriculum of the program helps to nurture the curiosity and sensory development of a child. Language and social norms are taken care of within the program.
          • Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten program: Montessori Sacramento preschool’s kindergarten program aims at providing a child with crucial knowledge about the practical life, sensorial, math, language and culture. Thee sensorial activities make a child aware and conscious about the environment, and here students learn to differentiate between colours, shape, sizes, texture and composition of objects. The FLMA program provides the kids with a friendly environment where they are encouraged to express their feelings and needs to the faculty. Apart from all the mental and physical aspects of the child, the program also focuses on academic areas such as language, arts and science through their well-qualified staff and teachers.
          • Summer Camp: Montessori Sacramento preschool also organises summer camps for the students, which includes activities such as group games, art and craft, cooking, indoor games such as board games and slides and other activities

          Published on: 18 October 2019

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            Infant Care Program in Folsom Lake Montessori Academy

            Infant Care Program in Folsom Lake Montessori Academy

            During these days when infant security and safety is one of the biggest issue faced by the authorities, Folsom Lake Montessori Academy is successfully running and infant daycare facility. Individual attention and overall growth of every child is the most important objective of the program. The program is made for infants between 8 weeks and 24 months, which is an age that requires utmost care, safety and security. Apart from safety, the child is exposed to a lot of activities through which the child may discover and inherit the environment around him appropriately. The staff and teaching faculty are always around the child keeping an open eye on the children. Providing children with motherly love and warmth is a tough yet efficient task being effectively done by the faculty.

            The curriculum of this infant daycare program includes a daily schedule of programs depending upon the chronological phase of development of the child. This also indicates that every child might have a different curriculum according to the need and wants of the respective child. Creating a strapping bond with the kids is how the specialised teaching faculty works

            The first step of the program infant room is to provide the child with a friendly and cooperative environment where the child can openly learn to indicate his needs and wants. For this, the faculty creates an environment that promotes a feeling of safety and faith among the kids. All the needs of the kids are responded to in no time, the food and the comfort they require is readily provided in the daycare facility. The facility also takes care of the nutrition and hygiene of the food; moreover, the daycare facility also takes care of the minute problems such as eating style, food preferences are also taken care for in the facility. The faculty also respects the curiosity among different kids and also works with the enormous cultural diversity prevailing in the society. Every child is individually taken care of; his needs for feeding, changing and cleaning are taken care of individually and hygienically. To encourage the infant the facility offers daily and adequate movement, art and musical activities.

            Infants are fed when they are required to be fed, and when the infant is tired? Don’t worry he will be put to bed with comfort and warmth. Rhymes, songs and music are a part of the daily activities included in the curriculum, speech therapy and language development is taken care of by the specialised teaching unit of the facility. To provide the child with proper movement and agility, the daily schedule includes exercise and stimulation. Infant stimulation helps the baby with the necessary attention span, memory curiosity and nervous system development; this enables the child to reach development goals faster. Indoor and outdoor plays such as, the cat is up and down, bunny hopping, summertime water play, swings and slides are safely done in the facility. The specialised teachers interact with the babies by talking to them, through gestures and signs, the baby’s singing, reading and dancing activities are taken care of by the teachers according to the individual schedules and pace of growth of the baby. Folsom Care Program provides you with the safest and the most secure environment for your babies, where they can learn and grow into better and gentle human beings.

            Published on: 22 October 2019

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              Infant Care Program in Folsom Lake Montessori Academy

              Top 7 Montessori School in El Dorado Hills

              Montessori schools follow the Montessori style of education. A lady called Maria Montessori first developed it, and she designed it in the hopes of encouraging a holistic approach to learning. Montessori in Sacramento is a popular style of education, and it is followed in other parts of the world as well. It has been a prominent style of education for a long time now, approximately a century. There are many Montessori schools in El Dorado Hills that are worth our attention. Some of the top Montessori Sacramento schools are listed below:-

              1.Bergamo Montessori at Serrano

              Established approximately 40 years back, Bergamo has secured a reputation of being one of the most sought after schools that follow the Montessori style of education. In this establishment in El Dorado Hills, Montessori education is provided with rigorous practice and is of stellar quality as well.

              2.Folsom Lake Montessori Academy

              Folsom Lake stands out from all the Montessori Sacramento educational institutes. This is because Folsom Lake truly delivers when it comes to a good education. They take many diverse students and ensure a different, broad-minded environment for exposure. They also conduct co-curricular with particular focus on arts, martial arts, yoga, movement art, music, and dance.

              They have enhanced technology and state-of-the-art materials for technological exposure of the students that join this El Dorado Hills, Montessori styles educational institution.

              3.Montessori Manor

              Montessori Manor follows the principles of Montessori education. Their philosophy follows the perspective that all children are sacred and that the aim of any educator should be to teach the desire to learn in their students. They focus on keeping the thirst for knowledge alive. Students in the Montessori Manor are allowed to pick their fields of interest and perform on projects in those fields. One of the main reasons to choose Montessori Manor is that they strive for the self-fulfilment of the students.

              4.Madrone Montessori School

              Madrone Montessori School is unmissable when talking about Montessori in Sacramento. Their motto is to have fun with education such as jumping in puddles while doing the math, learning yoga, learning how to recycle, etc.

              5.Rising Sun Montessori

              Rising Sun Montessori strives to embrace diversity in the field of education. It is filled with students from all around the world. No child is left behind, irrespective of the pace at which they learn. Students are encouraged to learn without pressure.

              6.Sundance Montessori

              Sundance Montessori tries to inculcate the habit of undertaking responsibility and understanding accountability. These are all excellent qualities that need to be instilled in children at a very young age. Self-motivation is an essential element at Sundance and students make their own choices, for which they are held accountable.

              7.Cameron Park Montessori

              El Dorado Hills Montessori boasts of excellent institutes like Cameron Park Montessori. They take students from pre-school to kindergarten. They schedule regular field trips that are inexpensive and fun to make. Admission time is hectic as many parents wish to get their kids enrolled in Cameron Park Montessori.

              These are the top 7 schools that follow the Montessori style of education, and any of them would be a great choice.

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                Early Childcare Programs in Folsom CA for an Invigorating Home

                Early Childcare Programs in Folsom CA for an Invigorating Home

                During these days when infant security and safety is one of the biggest issue faced by the parents and authorities, Folsom Lake Montessori Academy is successfully running early childcare programs in Folsom CA. Individual attention and overall growth of every child is the most important objective of the program. The program is made for infants between 8 weeks and 24 months, which is an age that requires utmost care, safety, and security.

                Apart from safety, the child is exposed to a lot of activities through which the child may discover and inherit the environment around him appropriately. The staff and teaching faculty are always around the child keeping an open eye on the children. Providing children with motherly love and warmth is a tough yet efficient task being effectively done by the faculty.

                The curriculum of this infant daycare program includes a daily schedule of programs depending upon the chronological phase of development of the child. This also indicates that every child might have a different curriculum according to the need and wants of the respective child. Creating a strapping bond with the kids is how the specialised teaching faculty works.

                The first step of the program infant room is to provide the child with a friendly and cooperative environment where the child can openly learn to indicate his needs and wants. For this, the faculty creates an environment that promotes a feeling of safety and faith among the kids. All the needs of the kids are responded to in no time, the food and the comfort they require is readily provided in the daycare facility. The facility also takes care of the nutrition and hygiene of the food; moreover, the daycare facility also takes care of the minute problems such as eating style, food preferences are also taken care of in the facility.

                The faculty also respects the curiosity among different kids and also works with the enormous cultural diversity prevailing in the society. Every child is individually taken care of; his needs for feeding, changing and cleaning are taken care of individually and hygienically. To encourage the infant, the facility offers daily and adequate movement, art and musical activities.

                Infants are fed when they are required to be fed, and when the infant is tired? Don’t worry, and he will be put to bed with comfort and warmth. Rhymes, songs and music are a part of the daily activities included in the curriculum, speech therapy and language development is taken care of by the specialized teaching unit of the infant daycare program. To provide the child with proper movement and agility, the daily schedule includes exercise and stimulation. Infant stimulation helps the baby with the necessary attention span, memory curiosity, and nervous system development; this enables the child to reach development goals faster. Indoor and outdoor plays such as the cat is up and down, bunny hopping, summertime water play, swings, and slides are safely done in the facility.

                The specialized teachers interact with the babies by talking to them, through gestures and signs, the baby’s singing, reading and dancing activities are taken care of by the teachers according to the individual schedules and pace of growth of the baby. Folsom Care Program provides you with the safest and most secure environment for your babies, where they can learn and grow into better and gentle human beings.

                Published on: 25 October 2019

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                  Top 7 Montessori School in El Dorado Hills

                  Top 7 Montessori School in El Dorado Hills

                  Montessori schools follow the Montessori style of education. A lady called Maria Montessori first developed it, and she designed it in the hopes of encouraging a holistic approach to learning. Montessori in Sacramento is a popular style of education, and it is followed in other parts of the world as well. It has been a prominent style of education for a long time now, approximately a century. There are many Montessori schools in El Dorado Hills that are worth our attention. Some of the top Montessori Sacramento schools are listed below:-

                  1.Bergamo Montessori at Serrano

                  Established approximately 40 years back, Bergamo has secured a reputation of being one of the most sought after schools that follow the Montessori style of education. In this establishment in El Dorado Hills, Montessori education is provided with rigorous practice and is of stellar quality as well.

                  2.Folsom Lake Montessori Academy

                  Folsom Lake stands out from all the Montessori Sacramento educational institutes. This is because Folsom Lake truly delivers when it comes to a good education. They take many diverse students and ensure a different, broad-minded environment for exposure. They also conduct co-curricular with particular focus on arts, martial arts, yoga, movement art, music, and dance.

                  They have enhanced technology and state-of-the-art materials for technological exposure of the students that join this El Dorado Hills, Montessori styles educational institution.

                  3.Montessori Manor

                  Montessori Manor follows the principles of Montessori education. Their philosophy follows the perspective that all children are sacred and that the aim of any educator should be to teach the desire to learn in their students. They focus on keeping the thirst for knowledge alive. Students in the Montessori Manor are allowed to pick their fields of interest and perform on projects in those fields. One of the main reasons to choose Montessori Manor is that they strive for the self-fulfilment of the students.

                  4.Madrone Montessori School

                  Madrone Montessori School is unmissable when talking about Montessori in Sacramento. Their motto is to have fun with education such as jumping in puddles while doing the math, learning yoga, learning how to recycle, etc.

                  5.Rising Sun Montessori

                  Rising Sun Montessori strives to embrace diversity in the field of education. It is filled with students from all around the world. No child is left behind, irrespective of the pace at which they learn. Students are encouraged to learn without pressure.

                  6.Sundance Montessori

                  Sundance Montessori tries to inculcate the habit of undertaking responsibility and understanding accountability. These are all excellent qualities that need to be instilled in children at a very young age. Self-motivation is an essential element at Sundance and students make their own choices, for which they are held accountable.

                  7.Cameron Park Montessori

                  El Dorado Hills Montessori boasts of excellent institutes like Cameron Park Montessori. They take students from pre-school to kindergarten. They schedule regular field trips that are inexpensive and fun to make. Admission time is hectic as many parents wish to get their kids enrolled in Cameron Park Montessori.

                  These are the top 7 schools that follow the Montessori style of education, and any of them would be a great choice.

                  Published on: 20 November 2019

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                    Choosing the Best Infant Day Care Program in California – What to Look Out for

                    Choosing the Best Infant Day Care Program in California – What to Look Out for

                    Folsom, California, is no doubt a beautiful place to live in, and its sunny environment and please vegetation are ideal for children to play outside. Memories can be made in the beautiful banks of the lakes, with so many perfect spots for picnics and whatnot. But what can make a life for your children fun when you are away at work when they are not old enough to go to school, and there is no one to take care of them at home?

                    The obvious answer is to pick a good daycare program where you can leave your children without a worry. It must be somewhere that reassures not just the safety and security of your children, but also fun and engaging activities that will keep your kid active and busy while you are gone. For toddlers, it is paramount that working parents be careful not to waste even a single moment that can go into the growth and development of their ward. Picking the right one is a difficult task as you want the very best for your child. But what exactly do you look for in an infant day care program that makes it the best option?

                    The infant day care program, to begin with, must seem well thought out, from the very foundation of their establishment to the more minute details like what kind of activities they choose to incorporate in their daily itinerary.

                    The program should ideally specialize in particular age groups, designing the activities based on what children from various phases of development need. Establishments like the Folsom Lake Montessori Lake Academy take an interest in children from the age of eight weeks to twenty-four months old. Specialization reduces the chance of children being given tasks or activities that they may be incapable of doing or if below the capabilities of their age, both of which can tamper with the child’s temperament.

                    The way the curriculum is designed also factors in when you are picking the perfect infant day care program – it is better if you choose a place that does not have a strict schedule to which they adhere. Room for improvisation ensures that the activities can vary based on the children who are present on that particular day! Folsom Montessori makes sure that the children are interested in what is being done in the daycare and that the schedule does not get repetitive or dull for the child.

                    The most important thing is to make sure that your child gets at least a certain degree of individual attention. In a place like Folsom, where many kids will be brought, it may seem difficult for teachers to give special attention to each child. Still, those who are trained in Montessori methods of teaching will know who and when needs some extra attention – this can go a long way in making sure your child is in the safest hands.

                    Published on: 14 January 2020

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